As an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and ACE & AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Karri she holds 30+ different certifications. As an extension of her fitness training Karri was introduced to pole fitness 18 years ago and quickly became dedicated to the sport of pole fitness. She has been teaching and performing aerial fitness for over 17 years and opened her own pole fitness studio - Pole Pressure® of Leesburg in 2009. Karri owned a successful Pole Pressure® Studio in Northern Virginia for 4 years before closing its doors to relocate to San Francisco with the goal to continue to spread the love of pole and aerial fitness.
There she worked as the Regional Group Fitness Manager for Crunch Gyms in San Francisco as well as a pole & aerial instructor for San Francisco & Oakland Pole Dance.
Karri recently retired from her position as a General Manager for Life Time to focus on growing and expanding CirqFit to further support her team and the industry.
2017 Pole Sport Organization Dramatic Level 4 Champion
2012 Peoples Choice Champion, Pole Dance America
2011 Miss South Carolina Pole Champion, Pole Dance America
2011 Miss Echo Award, Pole Dance America
2011 Miss Technical Award, Pole Dance America
2012 Pole2Pole Cup USA, Los Angeles, CA
2012 SRPDF Championship, New Orleans, LA
2011 Battle of the Pole Studios, Washington, DC
2013 Polesque, Brooklyn, New York
NASM Personal Trainer Certification
ACE Group Fitness Instructor Certification
AFFA Group Fitness Instructor Certification
AntiGravity Yoga Instructor Certification
AntiGravity AirBarre Instructor Certification
X-Pert Pole Level 1/2 Instructor Certification
Vertical Dance Pole Instructor Certification
Discoveries Dance Pole Instructor Certification
Spin City Lyra Instructor Certification
Pound Fitness Instructor Certification
HoopnoticaFIT Certified Hoop Instructor
HoopnoticaFLOW Certified Hoop Instructor
Zumba Instructor Certification
Aqua Zumba Instructor Certification
BASI Pilates Certification
YogaFit Certification
Schwinn Spinning Instructor Certification
Les Mills BodyPump Certified Instructor
Les Mills BodyCombat Certified Instructor
Les Mills BodyAttack Certified Instructor
Les Mills CX Worx Certified Instructor
Jillian Michaels Body Shred Instructor Certification
Urban Kickbox Instructor Certification
Urban KicksAss Instructor Certification
International Ballet Barre Fitness Instructor Certification
JumpSport Instructor Certification
Pon de Flow Instructor Certification
DISQ Instructor Certification
AntiGravity Yoga Instructor Certification
AntiGravity AirBarre Instructor Certification
X-Pert Level 1/2 Instructor Certification
HoopnoticaFIT Certified Instructor
HoopnoticaFLOW Certified Instructor
Vertical Dance Instructor Certification
Discoveries Dance Instructor Certification
Spin City Lyra Instructor Certification